Instagram is one of the most popular social media platform. It has a huge user base and if you have been using it for some time, then you must be aware of the fact that videos are posted on Instagram Story. But what if you want to view such stories anonymously? You can do that by downloading Smihub app. This tool helps you in downloading any Instagram post or story without having its link.
What is smihub Instagram?
Smihub is a website that allows you to view and download Instagram Stories anonymously.
You can use it if you want to keep your pictures private, or if you’re just looking for a way around the limitations imposed by Instagram’s privacy settings. In either case, smihub will allow you to do exactly what it says on the tin: view social media feeds without being exposed as an individual user!
The benefits of using smihub include:
- Viewing photos without having them saved locally on your computer (or phone). This means no trace left behind after viewing an image or video clip – perfect for those who don’t want their personal information shared with anyone else online!
- Allowing users access from anywhere in the world so long as they have an internet connection available at all times (no matter where they are located).
- This makes it easy for friends abroad but also gives parents peace of mind when sending photos back home safely via email attachments instead.”
How to use Smihub on Instagram?
To use Smihub Instagram, you just need to open the app, click on Instagram and then click on the photo you want to download. Once you have clicked on it, copy its link and paste it in the box provided at the top right corner of your screen. Finally, click on Download button at bottom right corner of your screen that will download or save a photo from Instagram account automatically!
How to Download Instagram Videos or Stories?
- You can download videos or stories anonymously.
- You can download videos or stories directly.
- You can download videos or stories with hashtags.
- You can download videos or stories with links.
You can view stories anonymously.
You can view stories anonymously. You don’t have to reveal your identity or location, and you won’t be tracked by anyone at all. If you want to see what people are saying about you online, but don’t want anyone else to know who they are talking about this is the perfect app for them!
If someone posts something bad about me on Instagram Story Viewer Anonymously Downloader (that I didn’t post), then I’ll still be able to respond with my own response without having my phone hacked into or anything like that happening again.”
There is an option to directly copy the link of instagram post.
There is an option to directly copy the link of instagram post. You can click on the link and it will open the page in your browser, where you can paste that url into your clipboard and then use it to view the story anonymously.
If you want to download any hashtag, you can do that.
You can download any hashtag, story or post with a single click.
The Smihub Instagram Story Viewer Anonymously Downloader is a tool that allows you to view and download any Instagram Story anonymously.
The software has been created by a third party developer who has simplified the process of downloading data from Instagram Stories and posts using their program.
You don’t need any special skills or knowledge about computers to use this application because it is very easy-to-use and user friendly software which will allow you to download your favorite photos or videos without having any problems while doing so.
Smihub Instagram Story Viewer Anonymously Downloader
Smihub is an Instagram story viewer. It can be used to view stories anonymously without giving away your real identity.
Smihub is a free tool that allows you to browse and download any Instagram posts you want. You don’t need any other apps or programs in order to do this, as Smihub serves as both an app and web browser at the same time (since it runs on both Windows XP/7/8 & Mac OS X). This makes it easy for anyone who wants access their old photos from their phones or computers without having other software installed onto them first!
Smihub Instagram Story Viewer Anonymously Downloader is the best tool for viewing Instagram stories anonymously. It does not require any third party application or setting up anything on your phone, just download and start using it right away!