When can I brush my teeth after wisdom teeth removal: Wisdom tooth removal in Mississauga is a common oral surgery that many patients have at some point in their lives. Wisdom tooth removal helps prevent crowding and improves oral health, so it is commonly recommended.
The majority of patients in Quincy and Norwell will have their wisdom teeth removal. This is a common procedure recommended by many dentists. Wisdom teeth are not useful, but they can cause problems with your oral health in a variety of ways.
When can I brush my teeth after wisdom teeth removal
You must be diligent with your dental care to ensure that your mouth heals properly after wisdom teeth removal. Failure to keep the mouth clean can result in infections, delayed healing, and dry sockets.
However, many patients report significant discomfort following wisdom tooth removal. Brushing your teeth may be difficult due to the swelling and soreness. As a result, many people wonder, “When can you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?”
Today, we’ll go over when and how to brush your teeth after having your wisdom teeth extracted.
When Can your Brush your Teeth After Teeth Removal By Wisdom?
Your mouth may be sore after removal. This is especially true if your wisdom teeth were impacted prior to removal. Of course, you must care for your mouth and teeth, but brushing your teeth after wisdom teeth removal can be daunting.
The American Dental Association recommends not cleaning the teeth next to the healing area for the rest of the day. However, you should begin brushing and flossing the following day. When brushing, use caution and be gentle near the removal site. For the first two weeks after surgery, use a manual toothbrush rather than an electric toothbrush.
When Can I Restart Brushing?
The first question is, “How soon after wisdom teeth removal can you brush my teeth? “You will be extremely sore following surgery. The swelling in your mouth may take several hours to subside. Brushing near the removal site should be avoided on the day of surgery.
According to the American Dental Association, you should resume normal brushing the following day. You should be cautious and gentle, but you should resume full brushing the day after wisdom tooth removal.
Brushing Teeth after Wisdom Teeth Removal
Unless your dentist instructs you otherwise, you should begin brushing the day after removal. However, brushing may be a little different for a few weeks. Here’s how to brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal:
During the healing process, your dentist will walk you through the steps of keeping your mouth clean. However, the American Dental Association advises against brushing your teeth near the removal site for 24 hours after the procedure.
This encourages the formation of blood clots, which protect the tooth socket and begin the healing process. While it may feel wrong not brushing your teeth for so long, it is critical that you do not. You don’t want to prolong the healing process any longer than necessary.
- Keep an eye out for the removal site.
- Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Take your time and don’t rush through the brushing.
- After eating, rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
- Gently, not vigorously, rinse.
- For the first few days, use a milder toothpaste.
The Day after Wisdom Teeth Removal
The day after the removal, begin gently rinsing your mouth with warm salted water. We recommend combining 1/3 teaspoon of salt in 250ml of warm water, or using the prescribed mouthwash.
Spit the solution out. Tilt your head to one side, then the other, for at least 30 seconds to rinse the affected area with the solution. Then, without spitting, open your mouth and let the water run off gently.
Using this technique, rinse your mouth until completely healed or as directed by your maxillofacial surgeon.
Can I Rinse My Mouth After Removing A Wisdom Tooth?
Many dentists recommend gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water after gently brushing your teeth (but check with your Asheville dentist). This can be done after meals to help prevent food from getting into the socket. However, rinsing your mouth vigorously can dislodge the blood clot, causing problems and longer healing times. It’s also a good idea not to spit out excess water, as this can cause the blood clot to loosen.
Get the Best Advice
If you’re unsure what to do after having your wisdom teeth removal, it’s best to seek professional help to guide you through the best process. As long as the procedure is followed correctly, this removal is simple and has a relatively quick healing time. Our Asheville dental services provide a wide range of treatment options, including wisdom tooth removal for patients of all ages.
Contact us today if you are concerned about your wisdom tooth and want to learn more about your options.
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